The scam usually starts with an enticing message. You’ll be contacted by a "brand" claiming to admire your social media presence. They’ll offer you free items in exchange for posting a review or promoting their product on your platform. At first glance, it seems like a win-win situation, right? You get free goodies and collaborate with a brand – something many of us dream of. But the reality? It’s a well-disguised trap.
I almost fell for this scam, but I’m grateful I caught it in time. That’s why I decided to create a sit-down vlog to raise awareness about this issue. Please watch and share it with your friends and loved ones – they could be the scammers’ next target. Stay vigilant, and let’s keep each other safe in this digital world.
Once you agree, the brand will provide a catalog of items for you to choose from. Excitement builds as you pick your “free” product. Then comes the catch: you’ll need to pay a shipping fee before they send it to you. Upon closer inspection, you’ll realize that the shipping cost is almost the same as the actual price of the item, or worse, even higher! Essentially, you're not getting anything for free; you're paying for an overpriced product masked as a shipping fee.
To protect yourself, always verify the legitimacy of the brand before engaging. Check their website, social media accounts, and reviews online. Legitimate brands usually don’t ask influencers to pay for shipping or any fees upfront. Be wary of unsolicited messages, especially from unknown brands offering too-good-to-be-true deals. And most importantly, trust your instincts. If it feels off, it probably is.
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