
🎙️ Episode 2: Up Close & Personal: My Journey After College | #Adulting101

In this #Podcast Episode, I get up close and personal as I share my job and work experiences after graduating from college. Join me in this #Adulting101 episode, where I discuss the real keys to success beyond education and how quickly adapting to change, honing specific skills, and leveraging your talents can make all the difference.

From navigating the tricky game of life to embracing the challenges of the workforce, this episode is packed with insights and personal stories that will inspire and guide you on your own career journey. I hope you'll enjoy and learn from my experiences!

📅 Episode Highlights:

  • My journey after college: first jobs and career growth
  • Key insights on adapting to change and skill development
  • Navigating the tricky game of life and career success


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