🛒I Was on Panic Buying Due To COVID19 Pandemic Lockdown.

💊 With the Help of Melatonin, I Solved My Sleeping Problem.

Adherence to a normal sleep routine became a challenge to me in a few months because I need to render overtime at work. Well, it is not mandated but “extra money doesn’t hurt”, but unconsciously working too much and extending work hours at work – affects me negatively on my sleep pattern. Honestly, I over-rendered six hours every day at work because of the extra income that I may get and I almost forgot my health.
Recently, I discovered this synthetic melatonin that can be purchased over the counter. I did extreme research about this food supplement before I will take it. Melatonin's main job in the body is to regulate night and day cycles or sleep-wake cycles. Darkness causes the body to produce more melatonin, which signals the body to prepare for sleep. Light decreases melatonin production and signals the body to prepare for being awake. Some people who have trouble sleeping have low levels of melatonin. It is thought that adding melatonin from supplements might help them sleep.
According to WebMD, Melatonin is a hormone found naturally in the body. Melatonin used as medicine is usually made synthetically in a laboratory. It is most commonly available in pill form, but melatonin is also available in forms that can be placed in the cheek or under the tongue. This allows the melatonin to be absorbed directly into the body.
Some people take melatonin by mouth to adjust the body's internal clock. Melatonin is most commonly used for insomnia and improving sleep in different conditions. For example, it is used for jet lag, for adjusting sleep-wake cycles in people whose daily work schedule changes (shift-work disorder), and for helping people establish a day and night cycle.
I do not have any plan of taking this supplement for a long span of time as it has a negative effect on health. This is just a perfect short term remedy if you are having a sleep problem that needs to be addressed.