When we reminisced our adolescent stage from where you are today, have you noticed the changes?
Well, in this video blog that I created, I had a chance to attend the annual National Cheerleading Championship Season 14 for NCR qualifier on February 23, 2019, Saturday afternoon at Market Market Activity Center, Taguig City. This is also to friend’s team named CAA Stingrays PEP Squad for High School Division and City University of Pasay CUP Eagles for college division – both teams, he is the coach.
I arrived at the event at 1:00PM, wherein the surrounding was occupied of massive young people from various schools and universities, among others. At that moment, I felt I was entering into the world of energetic inhabitants, so vibrant and dynamic. Seemingly, I traveled back into my younghood.
I decided not to cover all the performances as I opted to enjoy the event rather than monitoring my camera’s angle while vlogging. I just vlogged a portion of the event – performances e.g. CAA Stingrays PEP Squad, City University of Pasay CUP Eagles and National University.
When I arrived at home at 7:00PM, my body was so tired but my mind was still alive – remembering the jumps, tosses, splits and tumbling, which I’ve witnessed. Undeniably, I loved the feeling of exposing such kind of event wherein I was able to meet young people because it energized me. Moreover, it helps me realized that I am getting older as I compared myself to them- I easily feel tired but these young people, their energy is boundless and I hope they’ll use in achieving their dreams.
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