On October 29, 2017 – The Coronation night of Miss United Nations Queen 2017 was successfully executed. The said event is an advocacy-centric beauty pageant which highlights the diversity and inclusion among LGBTQIA employees who worked in the IT BPO Company - that brought and sponsored the victorious pageant.
Truly, it was a huge event as the winner/s will be given an international tour package for two,up to Php 50, 000 cash for the chosen charity and cash prizes.

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Here is the list of the winners:
- Best Advocacy - Miss United Nations Indonesia.
- Best In Production Number - Miss United Nation France.
- Miss Congeniality - Miss United Nations Indonesia.
- Miss Photogenic and People’s Queen- Miss United Nation Philippines.
- Best in Casual Wear – Miss United Nation Venezuela.
- Best in Creative National Costume - Miss United Nation Thailand.
- Best in Evening Gown - Miss United Nation Vietnam.
TOP 13 + Special Spot for Online Choice Award– will proceed to the Q and A portion. (In No Particular
Nicaragua, Puerto Rico, Thailand, Bahamas, South Africa, Panama, Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Venezuela, Mexico, Venezuela, Japan and France.

- Fourth-Runner up – Miss United Nations Indonesia.
- Third-Runner Up – Miss United Nation Bahamas.
- Second-Runner Up - Miss United Nation Vietnam.
- First Runner Up- Miss United Nation Mexico.
- Grand Winner - Miss United Nations Queen 2017 – Venezuela.

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