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It is very beneficial to travel with friends, office-mates or even with a group of random backpackers. This is due to the fact – the more participants, the cheaper expenses will be. This is the main goal of Biyahe Ni Juan, a backpacker club that highlights of travelling in a shoestring budget. In addition, it is also advisable to travel once in a while and escape the stress from your work and the lifestyle in the urban zone.
BiyaheNiJuan is a recreational-centric group joined by numerous BPO workers with same goals. Their goal is to take a trip the cheapest way possible and to allocate a spare time for each member to travel – as much as possible when schedule permits.
“It is important that you have to spend time for yourself, and by traveling – it can help you recharge and become more positive when you go back to your work” Rambo said, one of the proponents of BiyaheNiJuan.
“In BiyaheNiJuan, we are advocating and persuading BPO Workers and alike that traveling doesn’t need to be expensive” he added.
I joined this lifestyle club because this group is truly inline to what I loved the most – to travel. The first travel destination was Bolinao, Pangasinan.
Watch the video below:

If you guys want to join their future escapade, visit their Facebook Page. Click Here. Or you may reach Rambo – Click here.
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