Well, it’s July 31, 2017 and it is the end of the month. Happy Monday and congratulation to all of us because we made it; we successfully conquered the whole July. Are you ready for August? Well, if you’re not yet ready, then let me share you a motivational post to start up your August.
Why we should not give up on our first attempt? Simply because the “second, third, fourth and so on” are still available. If you failed on your first shot then you have to move forward. This principle is applicable to all the aspects of life.

In a relationship, when the first attempt is not working, then you have to let it go and move on to the next one. In a contest, when you didn’t win on your first try, then you may join another time. In a job interview, if you didn’t make it on your first job interview, then go ahead and submit another resume to other companies. Truly, it is easy to utter those advises but in reality it is honestly depressing and tiring if you’re in the situation and I’ve been there. Initially, when I was not hired on my first BPO interview – it destructively affects me. I started questioning myself and doubting on my capacity.
I got failed seven times in seven BPO companies. Undeniably, I felt loaded deep within since every unsuccessful interviews, it decreases my confidence and simultaneously it lessen my bank savings because I really have to spend money in every interviews for my allowance. Yes, that was hard-hitting and I reached to the point of giving up. However, if I’ll give it up, it means I’m a loser considering that there are still other companies that are continuously hiring. In addition, you’re not just losing a chance to earn but you’re losing your whole totality – self belief.
With that mindset, I kept applying and using those experiences from my futile interviews. Unconsciously, I went numb in every interviews and I became fluent because of doing the same things over and over. My gosh darling, majority of the questions in the interviews are almost the same; and it is a massive foolishness if you’re not gonna familiarize and used to it.
Furthermore, that scenario is the same in committing a relationship, as you experienced failures, you’ll become more mature and I’m pretty sure, you knew already what to do on next. Besides, it is idiocy if you’re gonna repeat the same mistakes.
Until I got hired!
Watch the video below; please also don’t forget to subscribe my Youtube Channel (CLICK HERE) to get notified on my next videos. THAT IS FOR FREE.
Indeed, as a person who experienced those failures, I must say that “giving up is not an option” mostly if the battle if worth for the fight. Keep trying and don’t dwell on your mistakes. Remember, Miss Pia may not be able to wear the crown of Miss Universe without losing her first attempt.
I hope that this post motivates you guys.. Until next Monday for my #Motivational Monday.
Why we should not give up on our first attempt? Simply because the “second, third, fourth and so on” are still available. If you failed on your first shot then you have to move forward. This principle is applicable to all the aspects of life.

In a relationship, when the first attempt is not working, then you have to let it go and move on to the next one. In a contest, when you didn’t win on your first try, then you may join another time. In a job interview, if you didn’t make it on your first job interview, then go ahead and submit another resume to other companies. Truly, it is easy to utter those advises but in reality it is honestly depressing and tiring if you’re in the situation and I’ve been there. Initially, when I was not hired on my first BPO interview – it destructively affects me. I started questioning myself and doubting on my capacity.
I got failed seven times in seven BPO companies. Undeniably, I felt loaded deep within since every unsuccessful interviews, it decreases my confidence and simultaneously it lessen my bank savings because I really have to spend money in every interviews for my allowance. Yes, that was hard-hitting and I reached to the point of giving up. However, if I’ll give it up, it means I’m a loser considering that there are still other companies that are continuously hiring. In addition, you’re not just losing a chance to earn but you’re losing your whole totality – self belief.
With that mindset, I kept applying and using those experiences from my futile interviews. Unconsciously, I went numb in every interviews and I became fluent because of doing the same things over and over. My gosh darling, majority of the questions in the interviews are almost the same; and it is a massive foolishness if you’re not gonna familiarize and used to it.
Furthermore, that scenario is the same in committing a relationship, as you experienced failures, you’ll become more mature and I’m pretty sure, you knew already what to do on next. Besides, it is idiocy if you’re gonna repeat the same mistakes.
Until I got hired!
Watch the video below; please also don’t forget to subscribe my Youtube Channel (CLICK HERE) to get notified on my next videos. THAT IS FOR FREE.
Indeed, as a person who experienced those failures, I must say that “giving up is not an option” mostly if the battle if worth for the fight. Keep trying and don’t dwell on your mistakes. Remember, Miss Pia may not be able to wear the crown of Miss Universe without losing her first attempt.
I hope that this post motivates you guys.. Until next Monday for my #Motivational Monday.