
Celebrating Christmas 🌲 (Noche Buena) at the Workplace.

To work in a BPO industry is not easy, it takes courage to bring ourselves to work during at night, it takes sacrifice to leave our family during happy moments and work hard on the floor. This Christmas 2016, Let me greet you a MERRY CHRISTMAS to those who gave up their Christmas Eve to report at work.

Christmas is one of the highly celebrated Holidays in the Philippines. In fact, family members who are working in the urban zones will find ways just to go back home in provinces just to rejoice Christmas with their family. It is once a year celebration and time to gather all the family members – to show love.

Despite of this strong culture, there are people behind this happy and must awaited holiday that are sacrificing on not going home to spend time with their family. Instead, they spent their Christmas Eve with their workmates as they need to attend the call of duty.  Call Center Workers are not excluded on this.

We have also OFWs – tinitiis ang pamilya para makapagpadala; Security Guards who are handling cups of coffee while on duty. Waiters who are serving foods while their families are at home celebrating; and Hospital Workers who are always ready to save life yet they gave up their chance of having fun with their families.

Truly, it is partly sad but like what we always uttered “DADAAN DIN YAN”. To work in a BPO industry is not easy, it takes courage to bring ourselves to work during at night, it takes sacrifice to leave our family during happy moments and work hard on the floor. This Christmas 2016, Let me greet you a MERRY CHRISTMAS to those who gave up their Christmas Eve to report at work. 🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲


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