Accepting The Challenge : To Be A Drag Queen - Tina Turner.

Ever since I accepted myself for whom really I am, I learned to be myself more than before. And being yourself for who really you are is a must especially if you are a youtuber – no room for pretentious act.

Indeed, As Jonathan Orbuda, if you’re gonna check my bucket list; one of those is be a drag queen. According to Wikipedia, A drag queen is a person, usually male, who dresses in drag and often acts with exaggerated femininity and in feminine gender roles. Often, they will exaggerate certain characteristics such as make-up and eyelashes for comic, dramatic, or satirical effect.

I was given a chance to emulate Tina Turner in a Lip Sych Battle and undeniably I was extremely excited when I heard the offer – I am now able to put check my bucketlist.

When I did that act and have it posted in my channel, lots of my friends said “ Bumigay Kana!” , I just ignore because I knew deep within that I am never consider myself as a woman trapped in a man’s body. Moreover, gender identity has nothing to do with gender expression. And cross dressing or being a drag queen has nothing to do on how I identify myself. Minsan may mga bagay lang tayong dapat gawin para maging makulay ang buhay at hindi boring.

Watch the Video

Thanks For Watching.

👍 6 Reasons Why I Want Oppo F1s.

This article is not to sugar-coat nor to build up this Smartphone brand – OPPO .Yet this post is my real experience with Oppo f1s(even if I don’t have one). Allan Aban, who is my friend, bought a new phone in Oppo store. He opted the Oppo f1s and he let me use the phone for a short span of time and have it review – quality and features.  I was astonished of the phone quality.

Watch the video below. This video is raw file recorded using OPPO f1s front Camera. And I uploaded it directly to my Channel w/o editing AT ALL.

“I have this phone, I can maximise the full potential of the features SANA SA VLOG KO”, I said it to myself (May halong inggit)

Here the reasons why I wanted to have it in this Christmas (BUNOS, 13th Month Pay).

1. The front camera is truly insane. I did try to create a VLOG using it inside my room which is kinda dark and the quality of the video is remarkable.

2. The Front Camera, while recording can be zoom in and zoom out depending on my need. This is beneficial for a Vlogger like me because I don’t need to crop my video during the editing/post production. You just have to zoom in to avoid non- essential backdrops.

3. While recording the video, you can also adjust the brightness which is undeniably a breakthrough of a smart phone product. This is useful to ALL selfie addicts and video bloggers who are documenting their unforgettable moments in a dark vista – like dinner date, concert, fire display and etcetera. This phone is really for me in proportion to my lifestyle as a night crawler - (SEE VIDEO HERE as I vlog a bar review using other brand).

4. (Notice the Audio), the sound that being recorded is audible and I can hear the bass of my voice. It produces a crisp and high quality audio which is helpful to Vloggers .No more use of external voice recorder and shot gun microphone. Indeed, there’s no need to enhance the audio anymore – it’s time consuming anyway.

5. Look wise? – I must say that it is cosy. With those edges, thinness of the phone, shiny glass and variants colours available – Oppo f1s is really victorious in this aspect “Aesthetic”.

6. MEMORY WISE – This aspect is very important to all VLOGGERS, Photographer and selfie aficionados. The capacity of saving files to your phone is one of the features that I consider in a phone. Oppo f1s can has 32GB Rom and expandable to 128GB, amazing right. You can now take videos in HD and store it for a span of time.

Truly OPPO F1s is top of the line for me to be part of my VLOGGER’s gear in 2016. With an amount of PHP12, 000 , I am pretty sure that it is worth buying for.

P.S. After I uploaded the video in my Channel., I notice that  the file was recorded in 780P which is HD. Watch it again and set it to 780P

Interview: The Phenomenology of the Certain Personalities As a Living #Gay Icon.

One day, I received a personal message through my Face book account. The said communication was coming from a student of Polytechnic University of the Philippines College of Communication. He was asking me if – there is any way for me to allow them conducting an interview.  They are working on a research about “The Phenomenology of the Certain Personalities as Living #Gay Icon”.

Indeed, their objectives are (1) to know the demographic profile of the homosexual icon assuming that the selected personalities or icons are decent homosexual. (2) To determine how the selected personality lives their daily life assuming that the selected personality lives a normal life. (3) To determine the lived experiences of the selected personalities in terms of Childhood, Adolescence and Adulthood assuming that the selected personalities experience the ups and downs of being a homosexual icon. (4)To determine their perspective of their life as a homosexual assuming that selected icons have a broader perspective of life. (5) To determine their perspective of their life as a homosexual assuming that the selected icons have a broader perspective of life. And lastly, (5) to know the success and failures that brought them to become an icon assuming that the selected icons are successful homosexuals in their own fields.

After I got their goal of doing the research, I quickly allot time for them; that might be a huge help of understanding gay people as part of LGBT community. Then we agreed to meet in Robinson Forum.

Watch the interview conducted by Earl Jansen Danganan, Merby Jane Lorico and Ronnie Ugaban as I openly narrated my life story.

After the interview, a sudden flashback happened. I was able to reminisce those moments during my younghood, where I came from and those ups and downs that I experienced in my life. I just realized that the said interview reminded me to appreciate and be grateful on what I have today .Moreover, the interview brought me back to where Jonathan D. Orbuda started and where I am today – they said that I am an influential living gay icon.

Unconsciously, tears fell down while walking away from the students ............   saying “May narating pala ako, at may nakakapansin din pala.”

My First Time Experience In A Hosto/Gay Bar - Malate, Manila.

I had this mindset that Hosto/Gay Bar is associated with naked men dancing in front of its patron. Indeed, it might be a place for old gays and women only. I never see myself going inside such establishment because it is not empowering to me – worshipping a straight man.  I am very exposed to gay disco bars like O bar  and Palawan Bar wherein its target market are young gay men; so I am rigid of not going to a hosto bar unless I reach my old age.

However, the more I avoid myself to this kind of Bar, the more I became curious on how does it feels like to be there. My friend from U.S. visited me and he challenged me to go on Bar hopping – Hosto Bar. I was reluctant to join since it defies my philosophy. Yet, he was extremely persuasive on bringing me – wala siyang kasama & libre daw niya.

We first dropped by at Machete in Baclaran but we left in a few minutes after we finished our drinks because the transition of each dance was slow pacing. Then we decided to go to Malate to look for an alternative one. I am very familiar with Malate because I frequently visit Chelu which is a gay-disco bar; but I am not aware where the Hosto/Gay bars located at. We just spoke with a Pedicab driver and asked him to bring us towards the nearest Hosto bar.

Watch the video below:

We opted Humane Elemement Entertainment Bar which is located at #60 Julio Napkil St, Malate Manila.  The moment I went inside- sobrang kinakabahan ako.  But I felt secured coz my friend from U.S. guided me on what to do, how to act and to indulge the night since he is always in a hosto bar in U.S. – sanay na siya.

It was memorable experience. Truly, I learned something by exposing myself. Akala ko nung una pang matandang bakla lang ito. Akala ko naghuhubad na mga lalaki lang andun. But I was wrong - Hosto Bar is an entertainment Bar that caters anyone regardless of gender, race and age as long as you can afford going inside.

Success : Mr. Gay World Philippines 2016 Coronation.

I Love Tansyong received two complementary tickets  for a prestigious pageant in the Philippines – Mr . Gay World Philippines 2016. On Sunday, October 2, 2016 at the UP Theater, Diliman, Quezon City.  Unfortunately we're not able to attend due to fortuitous event happened.

Instead, as to give thanks to the organizers who still considered me as one of blogger-partners but I didn’t make it, I’ll be posting a VLOG about the event na pinanuod namin livestream.

Congratulation to the winners and to the people behind it.


Money, Fitness and Sport, Culture, Tradition, Delicacy,Churches,Religion,Tradition
ILoveTansyongᵀᴹ |