
🏥 What Is Philhealth Claim Form 1 or CF1 and Its Importance?

Update August 11, 2016 . Today i will be discussing about philhealth claim form 1 or simply cf1. CF1 is a ducoment that needs to be requested directly from your company's HR with an attachment of certificate of contribution and you should submit it to the Hospital's billing department along with the cf2. CF2 is coming from your attending physician. Watch the full video as i will tackle what is the importance of cf1.
Today Let us talk Update August 11, 2016 . Today i will be discussing about philhealth claim form 1 or simply cf1. CF1 is a ducoment that needs to be requested directly from your company's HR with an attachment of certificate of contribution and you should submit it to the Hospital's billing department along with the cf2. CF2 is coming from your attending physician.

Specific Reminders for Claim Form 1 (CF1)

A. For local availment, Claim Form 1, together with other PhilHealth Claim Forms and other supporting documents, should be filed within sixty (60) calendar days from the date of discharge.

B. For reimbursement of claims for benefits availed abroad, Claim Form 1, together with other supporting documents, should be filed within one hundred eighty (180) calendar days from the date of discharge. All pertinent documents should be translated into English when confinement is in non-English speaking countries.

C. In CF1 Part III (Member Certification), the thumbmark of the member/representative must be affixed and duly witnessed/assisted by a HCI representative in case either the member or representative is unable to sign the said document.

D. For employed members, CF1 shall be returned to sender (RTS) if the date of signature inemployer’s certification (Part IV, item 4) is more than 30 days before the start of confinement.

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