
10 Things To Do To Maximize Holy Week Vacation.

Everyone is excited this 2016 summer, specially that Holy Week is about to come. You have enough much time to do what’s in your bucket list. But for some- still they don’t have ideas on what to do. Well, let me share you what best activity that suits you, just to maximize your vacation..
Everyone is excited about this 2016 summer, especially that Holy Week is about to come. You have enough time to do what’s on your bucket list.   But for some- still they don’t have ideas on what to do.

    Well, let me share with you what best activity that suits you, just to maximize your vacation.  

    Go out with your friends 

     A simple drinking session with the guitar is perfect to celebrate your friendship. I knew that it has been a long time when you guys met due to each other’s busy life.

    Go to the nearby beaches 

    Summer comes only once a year and summer is associated with the beach. Grab your backpack and go to the nearest beach possible.

    Try extreme yet fun activities

    – Everyone deserves to be crazy at least once a year. You can try tremendous activities but make sure that its calculated risk. Try Surfing maybe!

    Do Something worth Reminiscing For

     I suggest you do things that one day you will remember. Why not try Fire Dancing at the stretch of Puerto Galera or Boracay maybe.

    Become Weird and do not follow the system of Uniformity

    – Being distinct will dominates your characteristic against others. Why not try a hair tattoo?  It maybe sounds peculiar but cool, isn’t it?


    Anything that will cure your thirst, then try it.

    Eat or Sell HaluHalo 

     Halo-halo or Halo-halo is a popular Filipino dessert with mixtures of shaved ice and evaporated milk to which are added various boiled sweet beans, jello, and fruits. It is served in a tall glass or bowl. Remember, a Filipino Summer without halo-halo is suffering and incomplete.

    Stay inside your house

    While others are enjoying outdoor activities, admit it – at some point in your life, staying inside your house is more fun rather than experiencing heatstroke outside. Particularly, if you are dwelling in an air-conditioned home with lots of food inside the ref and movies in your laptop. 

    Celebrate  The Moriones Festival in Marinduque

     The Moriones is an annual festival held on Holy Week on the island of Marinduque, Philippines; and so it is timely. The "Moriones" are men and women in costumes and masks replicating the garb of biblical Roman soldiers as interpreted by local folks.

    Go back to where you came from

    Visiting the family is part of the culture of Filipinos during Holy Week.  Once in a while, it is very important to go back to the place where you truly belong despite your heavy schedule. And Holy Week is the best time for that during summer.

    Visita Iglesias

    Visita Iglesia (Spanish for "Church Visit") is Holy Week devotion among Filipino Roman Catholics of visiting seven or fourteen churches in order to pray and meditate on the Passion of Jesus Christ. It commences in the late afternoon or early evening of Holy Thursday after the Mass of the Last Supper when the Blessed Sacrament is already reserved at the Altar of Repose for adoration inside the Church until midnight when it is concluded without solemnity since liturgically, the day of the Lord's Passion has already begun.


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