
Big Blog Exchange 2014: Pushing my Luck

And now, I’ll be joining again in another contest but this time it’s no longer about writing however it is all about popularity.  By means of formal expression of your preference for a candidate like me – simply by voting.  I know that I am not yet popular online compared to other contestants but I am still trying to be one of  the 16 selected bloggers that will fly to different countries.

I need your help because I just submitted my entry August 2, 2014 and the vote will be closed on September 3, 4014 at 12pm. So I only have 1 month to do a campaign unlike other contestant s who already submitted their entry during the launching of such competition.

Here are what to do;

  • 1. Visit my online Ballot. Click here.
  • 2. Click the “VOTE FOR ME” tab.
  • 3. Enter your Email Add.
  • 4. To have a valid vote, you need to confirm your email-add by clicking the link that you will receive once you finished entering your email. Just check your E-mail.

Deadline is September 3, 2014 but once a day you can vote with your same email, after that, you can vote again after 24 hours. 

Hope you can vote me! 


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