
Dinner Party in Baler, Aurora.

Five in the afternoon, night and darkness continued to annex the whole surrounding.
After the wet and drenching hike from Ermita Hill, I dried out and changed T-shirt. The weather was still quite bad due to “Low Pressure”, it was cold. A cup of coffee and Aurora’s delicacy which is Suman were my food for meryenda. Five in the afternoon, night and darkness continued to annex the whole surrounding.

Others are busy chatting to other travelers. Some are preparing for the dinner and some are still on surfing class. I went to my tent and started to relax. The rain and the cold wind were perfect combination to feel the tranquility. Unconsciously, I was asleep.

Seven at night, Erwin (one of the travelers) awakened me in my tent “Uy Kumain kana” He said. When I peeped out from my tent, it was already night and totally dark outside. “WTF I am late on the Dinner”. I remember what happened in Zambales, I was also late in the Dinner of the group. The history repeats itself in Baler, Aurora. I run to the dining area and everybody were finished. I saw the dining table in a boodle fight set up which was full of leavings scattered.

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James Betia( journeyingjames) smiled at me “Kagigising mo lang? Pupungas pungas ka pa ah”.

Chef Arvin gave me the food…

Bonding with Party People.

After a short break to fix each other’s belongings, the team prepared the place for “Inuman Session”. I told James that -this time I’ll be joining the bonding moment and not to miss it anymore (Just like in Zambales that I missed the bonding moment). “JourneyingJames Tour” rented a Video-ke machine for the party. …..

Everyone was enjoyed and ready to take the singing challenge (except to those few who went to sleep right after the dinner). In addition, Cher Arvin (Cook) offered PHP1000 to someone who will get 100 score in Videooke. Elora won it and she donated the money to Tacloban Typhoon Victim.

The party continues with more upbeat music…..

Everyone was dancing, many were almost drunk… no inhibitions…

Just a heads up guys, Live Bands are also available on other bars. There are more bars available to choose within the proximity.

📍 Location: Sabang, Poblacion, Baler, Aurora, Philippines

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