
Official Philippine Holidays for 2014 ; Let us Plan Ahead

Hello Pinoy Travelers, today i will be posting an information that surely you will love it. I know most of you guys are working and travelling at the same time. and I am also aware that you are suffering from getting your vacation leaves approval ,am I right? Don't worry , I know where you are coming from. Im also having hard time to plan my travel due to my work.

But today, let us plan ahead so that your travel on 2014 is smooth and easy to manage.  As early as September of last year (2013) , the Malacanang through the Proclamation Number 655 series of 2013, the Philippine holidays for 2014 had been announced and this Holidays will help a lot in planning your vacation leaves.

 Regular Holidays

New Year’s Day – January 1 (Wednesday)
Araw ng Kagitingan – April 9 (Wednesday)
Maundy Thursday – April 17
Good Friday – April 18
Labor Day – May 1 (Thursday)
Independence Day – June 12 (Thursday)
National Heroes Day – August 25 (Last Monday of August)
Bonifacio Day – November 30 (Sunday)
Christmas Day – December 25 (Thursday)
Rizal Day – December 30 (Tuesday)

B. Special (Non-Working) Days

Chinese New Year – January 31 (Friday)
Black Saturday – April 19
Ninoy Aquino Day – August 21 (Thursday)
All Saints Day – November 1 (Saturday)
Additional special (non-working) days) – December 24 (Wednesday), December 26 (Friday) and December 31 (Wednesday)

C. Special Holiday (for all schools)

EDSA Revolution Anniversary – February 25 (Tuesday)

 Go and Plan ahead of time


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