For an amount of PHP100, you can rent now your way of transportation that can access easily to the entire Baler.
Biking is fun activity and I really it. Actually, I also do biking in Bay walk Puerto Princesa City during my Palawan visit. It’s more fun to include biking on your itinerary because it is very stress relieving especially if you are doing it with your friends.
Moreover, the said biking was headed by Ehm , our tour guide. It was not just a simple biking yet a very exciting activity because we also tour the entire Baler that showcases spots.
• First Stop is Manuel L. Quezon’s Monument
• We went ahead to Museo de Baler which is located at the back of Manuel L. Quezon’s Monument
• Next on the line is Dona Aurora’s Ancestral House
• And infront of the house is the Baler Church.
• And we bike the Zabali road to get experience the Hanging Bridge.
• We passed through at Baler’s Municipal Hall at the same time some Old houses
• We went back to the camping site.
Truly, cycling of biking is best recreational activity other than sport and transportation purposes. Bicycles are used for recreation at all ages and it is fun especially if it involves touring and exploration or sightseeing for leisure. It is also good to our health. The physical exercise gained from cycling is generally linked with increased health and well-being.
Biking in Baler with friends is one of my memorable events in year 2013
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